4  Sensitivity Analysis Results

Each of the 100 LHS parameter draws was applied to the RVTPO model, generating mode choice utilities, destination choice utilities, and trip matrices for each draw. The resulting uncertainty can then be quantified using the outputs from the trip-based model. This section will first look at the uncertainty of trips by mode, and how the mode split changes when the parameters vary. Then uncertainty will be quantified using the highway assigned trips, and how link volume changes across each draw. The results will then be summarized.

4.1 Mode Choice Trips

Uncertainty can be evaluated by looking at how mode choices change. The total number of trips by purpose are fixed, but the number of trips by each mode changes as a result of mode choice, combined with the availability of modes in the travel time skims. Table 4.1 lists the base trip amount by mode and purpose. It also lists the the average number of trips across all 100 iterations, with the corresponding standard deviation and coefficient of variation. For HBW trips there are 103,320 auto trips. Across all 100 iterations there is a mean value of 103,298 trips with a standard deviation of 527.07. This results in a coefficient of variation of 0.0052 or 0.52% variation in the number of auto trips. The other modes of transportation are included and similar patterns can be seen in HBO and NHB. The results listed in the table show that the variation of the output trips - by mode and purpose - are less than the input variation (as all \(c_v\)’s are smaller than 0.10). This confirms previous research that the outcome variance is less than or near the parameters variance (Clay & Johnston, 2005; Zhao & Kockelman, 2002). In all three purposes that were evaluated, the coefficient of variation in auto trips are lower than transit or non-motorized trips, meaning that there is greater confidence in the models accuracy to generate auto trips. The input parameter variability has a smaller effect on auto trips than on trips on the other modes.

Table 4.1: Coefficient of Variation of Trips by Mode
Base Mean SD $c_v$
Auto 103320 103298 537.07 0.0052
Non-Motorized 1103 1105 50.38 0.0456
Transit 13254 13274 566.01 0.0426
Auto 250489 250475 453.11 0.0018
Non-Motorized 4310 4316 235.24 0.0545
Transit 9276 9283 363.09 0.0391
Auto 60212 60209 78.28 0.0013
Non-Motorized 736 737 35.77 0.0485
Transit 1576 1579 74.89 0.0474

The variation among mode choices can be visualized graphically using a density of a scaled change in trips by mode. Figure 4.1 shows density plots for HBW trips by mode for 12 zones – the zones are divided into three volume categories: low is less than 200 trips per zone, mid is 200 to 700 trips per zone, and top is greater than 700 trips per zone – and four zones are randomly selected from each volume category. Zones that do not have any transit accessibility have been excluded. Those zones have very high density in auto trips as with the ability to choose transit was removed, the choice to choose auto was more certain. The zones included in Figure 4.1 all have greater certainty in auto trips, as the change in trips across all 100 iterations is relatively small. This reinforces the previous claim that the model has more confidence in auto trips than the other modes. It is also important to note that the modes are correlated to each other. In zones with a greater confidence in one mode, the other modes are more confident as well. Since the number of trips by origin zone are held constant, when there are an increase in trips on one mode there must be a decrease in trips on one or both of the other modes. Also, the distribution of non-motorized trips is similar for every zone suggesting that generally, the most variable mode is non-motorized trips which you can see in the spread of the graphic. This is also verified using Table 4.1 as the \(c_v\) is largest for the non-motorized mode across all three purposes.

Figure 4.1: Trip density for coefficient of variation by mode for HBW trips.